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Saturday, March 26, 2011

It's not too late....

"It's not about how to achieve your dreams. It's about how you lead your life. If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you."....Randy Pausch
Well, this week has been an emotional week for me on a few different levels. Last Saturday, a childhood friend of mine, John Knight, lost his life to a fatal heart attack at 39 years of age. 39! I just turned 39 and I feel like I'm just getting started, and his life has ended. Even though I haven't seen John in quite some time, the news of his passing has struck me at my core. It has also put things into perspective for me, something we all need once in a while. It has reminded me that life doesn't guarantee you second never know when someone or something may be lost forever. So, take every opportunity to tell the ones you love how important they are to you. Take the time to go on that vacation or visit that place that you have always wanted see. Enjoy your hobbies, or learn a new one. Follow your dreams. 
Speaking of emotions got the best of me as I was setting up my nursing classes for this fall. As I filled out the paperwork, it asked the question "current major?" Up until now, I have had to say "pre-nursing", but now I can put "nursing". As I was writing, it struck me....I am a nursing student! I think the realization of how far I've come in the past 2 years and the great responsibility of what I am about to embark on got the best of me. God has really blessed me with this awesome opportunity and now I must make the best of it.
Lastly, I read the book this week The Last Lecture and it was extremely inspiring. The author, Randy Pausch, died at the age of 47 from pancreatic cancer. His positive attitude and the way he handled his life, especially his last days, is just amazing to me. The quote at the beginning of this post is from the book. Read it if you get a will change you.


Friday, March 18, 2011 1st post!

 "....being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6

Hello family and friends! The idea of doing this blog has been swirling around in my head for quite some time now, and since I have been "officially" accepted into the nursing program, I figured it was time to get started. My niece (Ruth) and my nephew (Matt) have recently started blogging and have both inspired me to do one of my own...thanks guys! :)

The purpose of this blog is to simply have a place to write about my experiences in school and life in general. Many people ask me about how I'm doing in school, and I figured it would be a way to keep everyone up to date. I also hope and pray that through this blog, I may inspire someone to step out of their comfort zone and do something that they have always dreamed of....whether it's returning to school, starting a business, engaging in a hobby, or whatever it may be that you desire. Along those lines, I will always try to start my blog posts with an encouraging quote or saying.

Just so you know where I stand now with school, I am currently in the middle of my 4th semester at SUNY Ulster and have almost completed all of the pre-requisite courses that are required for an associate of science degree in nursing. This fall I will begin the 1st of four semesters of core nursing classes and clinicals, with a graduation date of May 2013. From there, I definitely want to go on for my bachelors, and maybe even masters degree in nursing but for step at a time!

This whole school experience has been, by far, one of the scariest and hardest things (besides becoming a parent) that I have ever taken on in my life! It has only been by the grace and help of God and the undying support and encouragement from my husband, family, and friends that I have gotten this far. With that being said, I so appreciate all of the support and prayers that have been said for me these past couple of years...thank you! Please keep it coming as the real fun is about to begin!!

Thanks for reading! Please always feel free to leave comments and feedback...I love to hear from you!